Ask Omer
"Omer is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate."

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Question #10

Aviad enquires:

How come whenever someone orders something cheaper than usually priced, it is always broken, no matter how legitimate his order was (eBay, discounts, etc).

Your question is the product of a very well socially engineered society. Chances are good that you have never experienced this for yourself (unless it's eBay, in which case - all sellers are bastards), but rather heard of someone else who's been through this. The reason for your question is this:
In order to hike prices, you have to add discounts, coupons, etc.. In order to disparage people from buying at low prices, you must create fear in their hearts about using said discounts. Fear is created through words - spread enough rumors about people buying stuff for cheap and getting fsck'd - and you've got a system that works in your favor.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Question #9

Joah enquires:

Why is it that whenever my computer breaks at work, and I call the IT helpdesk, and an IT helpdesk man comes to help me, does the computer always work in front of the IT helpdesk man but then immediately revert to its original fault as soon as the IT helpdesk man goes back to the IT helpdesk, thinking as he does "What a dumb blonde".

The answer is quite simple. The problem is fixed even before the person from IT walks up to your computer, since he and his coworkers have already fixed the problem online. He now comes only to mock and ridicule you and your colleagues in public. This is a well known practice.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Question #8

Joah enquires:

Why is it that women warriors in role playing games and TV shows (from Wonder Woman on) are always in bikini like clothes, whereas men are clothed in full armour?
I assume it's because women are just stronger and don't need as much protection when they go out to kick ass.

You are, I'm afraid, mistaken. The reason women warriors in RPGs and TV shows are scantly clad is simply because those games and shows are toyetic.
In the efforts of each toy company to outdo the others, market research has shown that female action figures lack a good "Now With [insert verb] Action!", and have decided to set a status-quo and go with a common denominator, as you can see from the following photo of a mint condition Wonder Woman action figure.

Question #7

Joah enquires:

Why is it that whenever I take public transport, I always end up with an insane person sitting next to me?

Since you have had thousands of rides on public transports and the number of insane persons is greatly small in comparison with the general populace, it is not likely that you have sat beside an insane person on each and every trip.
As I do not mock questions, but rather the puny persons asking them, I would have to deduce that you are so sane that you have actually come out the other end of sanity and thusly one must consider each and every person insane in comparison to you.